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Our Business

Geno distinguishes itself through a highly experience team of executives with diverse industry backgrounds, each boasting a successful track record in leading blockchain initiatives. Our team combines deep industry knowledge with insight in manufacturing and emerging technologies, further bolstered by strong partnerships with renowned car brands and other key partners. This exceptional synergy enables us to drive innovation and offer strategic leadership in the industrial application of enterprise blockchain solutions.


Blockchain technology plays a crucial role in enhancing backward traceability within the manufacturing industry. By creating an immutable record of supplier-chain management, it ensures transparency and meets regulatory compliance requirements. Additionally, it effectively addresses issues such as counterfeit parts, ownership fraud, and recall inefficiencies.

Geno initially focused on the automotive sector but has since expanded its offerings to address specialized needs of the solar, battery, electronics, and pharmaceutical industries.

3 Core Product Lines


As part of our commitment to forward traceability, our Direct-to-Customer (DTC) strategies empower brands to establish early engagement with their customers, fostering increased customer loyalty. By offering valuable consumer insights, these strategies enable more agile and responsive business interactions. This creates an ecosystem that allows brands, dealers, or service providers to incentivize potential end-users and engage with them at an earlier stage. The successful implementation of these strategies can result in a significant reduction in branding promotion investments while creating shared value of the digital assets within this ecosystem for brand owners, vendors, and customers.

For instance, Geno facilitates the construction of engaging and efficient ecosystems that bring together brands, dealerships, and customers in an interactive business network right from the beginning.


Geno offers an enterprise blockchain solution and fintech services that leverage distributed ledger technology (DLT). Through our platform, industrial customers can accurately evaluate the value of their digital assets and fully unlock their potential within a traceable and interactive ecosystem. Our solution also equips businesses to effectively manage the growing trend of digital asset management by providing the necessary tools and instruments.

By utilizing our traceability and direct-to-customer (D2C) capabilities, enterprises can precisely identify and leverage their digital assets, resulting in enhanced product authenticity, stronger customer relationships, and increased brand value through transparent transactions

Our Business

Geno distinguishes itself through a highly experience team of executives with diverse industry backgrounds, each boasting a successful track record in leading blockchain initiatives. Our team combines deep industry knowledge with insight in manufacturing and emerging technologies, further bolstered by strong partnerships with renowned car brands and other key partners. This exceptional synergy enables us to drive innovation and offer strategic leadership in the industrial application of enterprise blockchain solutions.

Our Business

Geno distinguishes itself through a highly experience team of executives with diverse industry backgrounds, each boasting a successful track record in leading blockchain initiatives. Our team combines deep industry knowledge with insight in manufacturing and emerging technologies, further bolstered by strong partnerships with renowned car brands and other key partners. This exceptional synergy enables us to drive innovation and offer strategic leadership in the industrial application of enterprise blockchain solutions.

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